mercoledì 23 febbraio 2011


Do you want to get ready and get a good mark in your "interrogazione"?

- Prepare a detailed description of one your best friends', including physical description, age, where you met him/her, what he/she likes and dislikes, why you like him/her, what you don't like of him/her, what you usually do together, what school he/she is going to attend next year.

- Study the presentations posted on this blog: you can start from the questions and answers prepared during class trying to repeat the answers, but study the complete presentation:
you'll have to be able to answer to your mate's questions and ask him/her a couple of questions!!

- Get ready to talk about your future plans, your vacations, your future school...

Good job!!!

PS:  Please get ready and volunteer!!! (I'll appreciate) :))

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